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1. 汉密尔顿大厅*
2. Fassett Commons * ^
3. 考尔斯大厅*
4. 马克·吐温研究*
5. 吉列大厅* ^
6. Alumni大厅#
7. 卡内基音乐厅* ^
8. Kolker大厅^
9. Watson Fine Arts^
10. 哈里斯大厅^
11. McGraw大厅
12. 大学商店
13. College Post Office
14. The College Cottages#
15. 安德森大厅#
16. 哥伦比亚大厅#
17. Meier大厅#
18. Gannett-Tripp 图书馆^
19. Clarke Health Center
20. 双子塔#
21. 校园中心
22. Speidel体育馆
23. 吉布森剧院
24. 汤普金斯大厅* #
25. 佩里大厅#
26. Admissions and 金融援助
27. 校园领域
28. 校园安全
29. Sustainability House
* Sites marked with an asterisk are listed in the National Register of Historic Places.
# Dormitory Residence Hall
^ Academic Building
A gift to the College from Jervis Langdon, Jr., the grand-nephew of Mark Twain and great-grandson of Jervis Langdon, a founding trustee of the College. Mark Twain married Olivia Langdon, an 埃尔迈拉大学 student. The farm sits on a hill overlooking the city. Mark Twain did some of his most important writing here.
埃尔迈拉大学 also has an off-campus athletic complex, the Murray Athletic Center. Comprised of three geocentric geodesic domes, the MAC is the premier location for all other sports EC offers. The Murray Athletic Center has six squash courts, 媒体室, and a smart classroom used by our athletic teams for film sessions. The world's first geodesic dome athletic complex, the Murray Athletic Center, is one of the most unique athletic facilities in the Northeast. Located eight miles from the main campus, 它的特征是3,200 seat hockey arena, a 2,容纳000人体育馆, a 38,000 square-foot field house.