Academic Calendar
寻找注册截止日期、春假或成绩到期的时间? 我们的校历上有本学年所有的重要活动.
Wells College Students
With announced closure, learn how EC can help.
欧共体经验的决定性优势-学术卓越, time-tested relationships, 共同的传统-是该机构和全球欧共体网络持续成功的基础.
If you would like to get more involved, the Office of Alumni 参与ment can match your skills, 经验, time, and resources to a practical and rewarding opportunity.
To learn more, contact the Office of Alumni 参与ment at
Staying engaged with your fellow Alumni, as well as current EC 学生, couldn’t be easier with the help of Alumnifire, 首个由Alumni和学生直接提供支持的独立有机数字网络平台. 这个平台允许学生之间的有机网络, 年轻毕业生, and seasoned professionals, providing an outlet for mentoring, intern and employment opportunities, and creating a networking in a new or current 社区.
你知道有谁能给mg冰球突破豪华版下载添彩吗? 帮我们联系他们,如果他们注册了,他们会自动收到我们的 Alumni Referral Scholarship of $1,855. Click the link below to learn more and make your referral.
连接 with 学生 to help them prepare for future careers. Alumni志愿者为那些计划走上类似职业道路的二年级和三年级学生提供指导, providing shadowing, 职业生涯辅导, 洞察力, 实习, 和更多的.
我们为我们的Alumni感到骄傲,并愿意与其他Alumni分享你的故事, 社区, 学生, and prospective 学生. 如果你有兴趣被推荐,或者知道有人值得认可,完成 Alumni Link Story Submission Form.
更好的A. Mammone ' 78纪念学院表彰在商业上非常成功的Alumni, 领导, 社区, educational and/or philanthropic endeavors. 我们将根据Alumni的专业知识和成就进行甄选, as well as dedication to charitable and 社区 initiatives.
Want to make a nomination? You can do so at any time using our nomination form.
Contact the Office of Alumni 参与ment at (607) 735-1855 with any questions.
贝蒂于1978年以优异成绩毕业,获得个性化研究和言语交流文学学士学位. 1981年获得马奎特大学文学硕士学位. 在她英年早逝之前,她最后一次担任林茨杰罗尔德·帕纳斯的校长 & 合作伙伴, 一家领先的全国筹款咨询公司,在资本竞选管理领域提供筹款咨询.
Pauline “Polly” Bieber Daniels ’79
Dr. 斯科特·奥克斯,93年
John Zeller '73 and Dr. Susan Pettorini-D'Amico '80
罗伯特。 “Chip” Coffey ’76